Why Choose Phoenix Hosted PBX?

What you need to get started:

VoIP Phones or softphones.

A reliable internet connection.

Did you know that by making calls and paying your bill, various charities receive 10% of the monthly bill?

Future Expansion

How easy is it to grow and update your system?


  • Your provider shoulders all the risk, work, and complexity
  • Growth or retraction can happen quickly
  • Software updates happen automatically so you always have an up-to-date system


  • (None)


  • You have complete control and flexibility—you can even switch solutions or mix-and-match


  • Every expansion can add to the complexity and includes additional hardware aquisition costs

Cost of VoIP Services

What will you pay?


  • Lower setup cost
  • No ongoing maintenance costs
  • OPEX model


  • You never own the phone system. You’ll always pay a monthly subscription fee for the use of the platform


  • No risk of fee increases
  • Lower long term total cost of ownership
  • CAPEX model


  • You never own the phone system. You’ll always pay a monthly subscription fee for the use of the platform

Control & Maintenance

How much control do you have to make changes and updates to your system?


  • All the major software updates and maintenance processes are handled by the provider
  • Ability to spend IT resources on other revenue-generating tasks


  • Your service provider has the actual control over your system – you don’t own the platform


  • You have control over every detail. An easy-to-use solution with careful management will give you a solution that matches your needs better than anything else can


  • All software updates and maintenance processes must be done by internal IT staff, or outsourced

Why would you do it?

What are the key decision points when deciding between the two options?


  • Service provider may have more resources to implement a solution you could not afford to do just for yourself


  • Some Cloud options do not scale to large deployments in a cost-effective way


  • You can do what you want with your equipment—ultimate flexibility


  • You may not have enough internal IT resources or the budget to make complex, expensive or highly customized changes

Setup & Implementation

How easy is it to setup and get started?


  • Cheap, Quick, and Easy to deploy


  • Potential feature limitiations for advanced configurations


  • Highly customizable and feature rich


  • Deployment may take longer and require more input from you on configuration options

Phoenix Data And Voice, Now You’re Talking